Articles by 

Will Gibson

Edition #22: How To Leverage Furniture and Sensory Engagement for Superior Customer Experiences

In this edition of Telco Talk, I’ll explore how high-value retail businesses can benefit from such investments and provide examples from various industries that have successfully adopted this strategy.

Edition #19: Perks & Points: 9 Tips To Build Telco Customer Loyalty Through Gamification

Digital is now meshed tightly into our lives, but the landscape is constantly shifting. Businesses in every industry are vying for innovative ways to captivate their audience, enhance customer loyalty, and drive sales.

Edition #16: It's Time To Get Human: 6 Tips To Increase Digital Adoption

“Digital Transformation” has long been a buzz word and is a journey that most telcos are currently on. However, implementing the right digital tools is just the first part of the puzzle. The real dilemma is getting customers to actually use them.

Edition #14: 4 Ways To Solve The Wait/Dwell Time Conundrum And Elevate Your CX

Telecoms companies are facing different challenges right now depending on where they are in the world. In countries like the UK, US, and Japan, telcos are downsizing their physical operations, cutting costs, and trying to move customer interactions from physical stores to (allegedly) cheaper digital channels.

Edition #13: The Rise of the “Prosumer” – 5 Tips to Capitalize On This Growing Segment

For years, telecoms companies have divided their client base into “Consumers” and “Business” users, each with different product sets, pricing, and needs. But in this post-pandemic, work-from-home world that we now live in, a third type of customer has entered the chat – say hello to the “Prosumer”.

Edition #11: Beyond Voice & Data: 5 Quick Wins That Elevate Telcos to Tech Leader Status

Telcos have long feared becoming a “dumb pipe” utility provider. After attending Telecoms World Middle East, Will Gibson discovered that telcos are starting to embrace this status and invest in new avenues to drive growth instead. In this blog, we explore 5 tactics that can bring the “techno” strategy within reach.