Paperless Transactions - Technical Features.

Explore the technical features of our Paperless Transactions solution.

Document Capture.

Signature Capture Process

  • Sign and process contracts from desktop, browser or mobile.

  • Ensures all signature points are signed/dated.

  • Signature points belong to a specific person and only that signatory can sign them.

  • Send a contract to a customer to be signed remotely.


  • Intuitive navigation and pagination controls.

  • Signature boxes can be moved and re-signed.

  • New signature points can be added as needed.

Controlled Workflow

  • Signature capture process is inherent and user-friendly.

  • Consistent workflows across all devices (mouse, touchscreen, and signature pad).

  • Configure multiple signing stages and/or approvals to ensure remote contracts are signed in the appropriate order and all requirements have been met.

Automatic Emails

  • Emails contract to customer after signing.

  • Supports custom-branded email templates.

  • Easily re-send documents through the Admin portal.

  • Directs replies/bounce-backs to appropriate parties.

  • Configure reminder email to be sent if customer has not signed the remote contract.

Attach and Scan Additional Documents

  • Attach/store supporting materials (e.g. driver’s license, proof of employment, etc.).

  • Configure contracts to require supporting documents from the customer before they can be submitted.

Signature Capture Methods

  • Pre-integrated with Topaz Signature and Wacom pads.

  • Capture signatures via mouse, touchscreen, typed name (converted to cursive), or signature pad (device dependent).

close up of mans hand holding stylus using tablet
white room full of cloud servers

Document Storage.

Secure Document Storage

  • All documents are encrypted and stored in PDF format.

  • Documents are transmitted using SSL encryption.

  • Snapshot backups protect documents from loss.

Submitting Signed Documents

  • Require all signature fields to be completed before storage.

  • Documents and metadata are securely stored on a server.

Time Stamping & Sealing

  • Documents are time-stamped, digitally sealed, and cannot be altered.

Configurable Contract Metadata

  • Metadata fields can be added, removed, and customized.

  • Documents can be configured to display different fields or have certain fields appear based on entered values.

  • Mark fields as required or optional.

  • Input masks can be used to force specific formats.

  • Preconfigure menus, checkboxes, and switches.

  • Stores contract metadata for future retrieval/reporting.

Document Retrieval.

Secured Access

  • Server stores documents with tight security controls.

  • Permissions control who can retrieve documents.

  • Unique keys authorize terminals to submit documents.

  • ‘Least privileged access' policy ensures users only can access systems they need for their assigned tasks.

  • SSH keys manage access and are stored in a secure vault application.

Customizable Roles and Access

  • Admin server can only be accessed by authorized users.

  • Configurable permissions control access based on role.

Document Search

  • Retrieve stored documents quickly and easily.

  • Search/retrieve documents using contract metadata.

  • Export search results to XLS, CSV and TSV formats.


  • All document searches/views can be easily audited.

  • Facilitates compliance with breach notification laws.

Reporting Made Simple

  • All extracted data is stored in easily accessible formats.

  • Custom reports can be built to display desired data.

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Walk Out Working.

WOW Form Completion

  • Checklist appears as part of the signing process.

  • Forms are stored with the contract for easy retrieval.

  • Customers are emailed a copy of the checklist with direct links to service pages and downloads.

  • Usage can be audited and tied to compensation.

Black man in suit walking outside looking down at his mobile phone while he walks

Self-Service Features.

Configuring Contracts

  • Upload a document or drag and drop it into the app.

  • Contracts can be signed by just the uploader or multiple people.

  • Add email addresses for signatories.

  • Specify contract details to enable search via admin portal.

  • Add/categorize attachments to be stored with the contract, if applicable.

  • Add fields to the contract (signatures, initials, checkmarks, date fields, text inputs).

  • Associate fields with each signatory to control who can sign which field.

  • Fields are colour coded for ease of use.

Signing Contracts

  • Uploaders will sign first, review the document, then send it to others for signing (if applicable).

  • Signatories receive invitations to sign via email, which opens in their browser.

  • Signatories will complete their assigned fields using their mouse, touchscreen or keyboard.

  • All signatories will receive a signed copy of the contract by email.

System Integrations.

Maplewave Platform

Maplewave’s Paperless solution works seamlessly with the rest of our platform.

  • Point of Sale: Allows customers to digitally sign contracts as part of the sales flow.


  • Can process third-party web forms.

  • Integrate third-party apps into the agreement generation process.

  • Web form viewer doesn’t require browser extensions or add-ons.

Image of woman using tablet with icons super imposed
Asian man holding laptop in front of bank of computer servers

SaaS Hosting.

High Availability

  • AWS provides SaaS service from Canada’s central region.

  • Uses multiple availability zones and highly available load balancers to ensure non-stop service.

Integrate into Existing Datacentres

  • Integrates to existing datacentres (private, public or hybrid cloud).

  • Is container-ready and supports popular container platforms.

Configuration & User Permissions.

Document Recognition

  • Recognizes documents for each signing environment.

  • Places signature fields in the correct locations.

  • Automatically extract useful data from contracts.

  • Signature points belong to a specific person and only that signatory can sign them.

Multiple Supported Platforms

  • Supports Android, IOS and Windows tablets & desktops.

  • Access documents from any internet-enabled device.

Single Sign-On

  • Integrates with Active Directory and SAML for single sign-on.

User Interface

  • Sleek, modern UI is user-friendly and intuitive.

  • Supports traditional mouse/ keyboard and touchscreens.

  • Can be used in English, French and Spanish.

Custom Branding

  • This solution is a white-label product.

  • Easily customize colours and logos.

User Role Hierarchy

  • Customize user roles to match your org structure.

  • Staff only access information that applies to their role.

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